About Us


Sunday Worship Service - 10:00 AM · Wednesday Night Bible Study 6:30 PM

Who we are

“By God’s grace, we are healing the broken and perfecting people in purpose, power, prayer, prosperity, and praise.”

Our Vision

The Church We Are Called to Be

I believe that the God ordained pattern, practices and power of the New Testament church are the same now as they were in the book of Acts when the church began. As it was in the book of Acts, our Vision for ministry today, is a church engaged in:

  • Fellowship - A sense of community, mutual concern, interconnection and cooperation (Acts 2:42, 44, 46).
  • Empowerment
    • To be Spirit filled (Ac 2:4, Ac 4:31, Ac 9:17, Ac 13:52, Eph 5:18)
    • To be Spirit empowered (Ac 1:4-5, 8, Ac 2:38-39, Ac 8:14 -17) and
    • To be Spirit led (Ac 8:29, Ac 10:19 - 20, Ac 13:2-4, Ac 15:7, 28, Ac 16:6-7)
  • Evangelism - Exponential unrestricted numerical growth through personal and public evangelism, (Ac 8:1, 4; Ac 1:8, Ac 5:42, Ac 6:7, Ac 2:46-47, Lk 14:23, Lk 24:46-49, Mt 24:14, Mk 16:15-16) and
  • Discipleship- Individual and collective spiritual growth through biblical instruction. (Ac 6:7, Ac 14:21-22, Ac 18:24-26, Jn 8:31, Ac 2:42, Mt 28:19-20).

Our mission

The Work We Are Called To Do

  • To Show- To teach and preach the Word of God with clarity to every age and ethnicity beginning in our local area and expanding throughout the world with an emphasis on prayer, prosperity, the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit, and the grace to live a holy life in this present world;
  • To Share - To share the Gospel and compel the lost to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior;
  • To Shower - To provide ministry to our congregation and community that improves their lives through educational, economic, and most of all, spiritual empowerment;
  • To Shine - To build a local church that is numerically and financially strong enough to make a visible difference for the Kingdom of God, locally and around the world;
  • To Shape - To train, develop, equip and rejuvenate men and women, who are called into the fivefold ministry to build the Kingdom of God in accordance with their unique gifts and callings;
  • To Shield – To raise up a shield of prayer to advance the Kingdom of God in this generation and the next; and
  • To Shake – To play our part in an end-time revival that will sweep the world before the coming of the Lord and bring millions into the Kingdom of God.

Our Confession

The Spirit of the LORD is upon us, for he has anointed us to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent us to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free, and that the time of the LORD’s favor has come. Taken from Luke 4:18-19 (NLT)