What To Expect From Our Services
9:00 AM -Sunday School
Our Sunday School ministry aims to equip you with a more profound knowledge and understanding of the Bible, empowering you to live a victorious Christian life and fulfill Christ's mandate to make disciples. We offer classes for children, youth, and adults, providing opportunities for spiritual growth and fellowship with other believers.
10:00 AM - Sunday Morning Worship
Sunday Morning Worship begins with Corporate Prayer, a time for us to come together to thank the Lord for all He has done and to prepare our hearts for worship and a message from Him. During the Sunday morning worship service, you can look forward to energetic praise and worship led by our spirit-filled praise team or sanctuary choir. Additionally, you will hear dynamic sermons delivered by our Senior Pastor, followed by an altar call or prayer.
6:30 PM -Worship and Bible Study
Join us for our mid-week worship services, where you can expect uplifting worship and a message from God that will energize you for the rest of your week!
To learn more about our church, visit our history and events page, contact us, or find us on Facebook! If you can't attend our weekly services, join us live on our website or YouTube!