Safe Reopening Guidelines - For person attending in person.


Sunday Worship Service - 10:00 AM · Wednesday Night Bible Study 6:30 PM

by: Micah Scott



We are so glad that you are joining us for worship! Whether you are attending in person or online, "Welcome to Worship!"

If you are attending in person, here are a few guidelines to note for a "safe worship experience".

1. Please arrive 30 minutes early to avoid overcrowding and to maintain safe distances before service begins.
2. Masks worn properly (over your nose) are required.
3. Please maintain 6 ft apart from those who are not in your family. Avoid physical contact like handshaking and hugging.
4. Upon arrival, the parking attendant will provide directions as to the entrance into the sanctuary. There will be no admittance through the rear doors.
5. Your temperature will be checked in the foyer.
6. Giving online is still available. However, Offering/Tithe envelopes will be available upon entry to the sanctuary. There are receptacles available for you to place your offering envelopes as you exit the church.
7. The sacraments for Communion are available upon entry to the sanctuary for those that will partake of Communion.
8. In order to maintain COVID-19 Compliance, directions to exit the sanctuary will be given from the platform prior to the benediction.
9. Please maintain 6 ft. distance as you exit and wear your masks until you are in the confines of your vehicle.
10. We look forward to seeing you and sharing the love of God.
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We are so glad that you are joining us for worship! Whether you are attending in person or online, "Welcome to Worship!"

If you are attending in person, here are a few guidelines to note for a "safe worship experience".

1. Please arrive 30 minutes early to avoid overcrowding and to maintain safe distances before service begins.
2. Masks worn properly (over your nose) are required.
3. Please maintain 6 ft apart from those who are not in your family. Avoid physical contact like handshaking and hugging.
4. Upon arrival, the parking attendant will provide directions as to the entrance into the sanctuary. There will be no admittance through the rear doors.
5. Your temperature will be checked in the foyer.
6. Giving online is still available. However, Offering/Tithe envelopes will be available upon entry to the sanctuary. There are receptacles available for you to place your offering envelopes as you exit the church.
7. The sacraments for Communion are available upon entry to the sanctuary for those that will partake of Communion.
8. In order to maintain COVID-19 Compliance, directions to exit the sanctuary will be given from the platform prior to the benediction.
9. Please maintain 6 ft. distance as you exit and wear your masks until you are in the confines of your vehicle.
10. We look forward to seeing you and sharing the love of God.
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